Hi, I'm Calderon

Fullstack Developer

| About Me

Hello! I'm Yonathan Calderón. As a dedicated Fullstack Web Developer with over 3 years crafting digital experiences, my core strength lies in JavaScript—a language I've not only learned but truly mastered. My journey has seen a spectrum of projects, from user-centric interfaces to intricate backend structures. Every project I undertake comes with a commitment to proactive problem-solving and unending innovation. If you're in search of a developer who approaches challenges with genuine passion and has a proven track record, don't hesitate to get in touch.

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| Skills

Explore My Skills

In the vast landscape of web development, I've honed a diverse skill set, rooted in HTML and CSS, flourishing in JavaScript, and extending seamlessly into frameworks like React,Next.js, Node, and Express. From crafting interactive frontends to delving into data-driven backends with MongoDB and MySQL, each project, whether a dynamic quoting tool, a comprehensive e-commerce platform, or an engaging blog site, is a testament to my passion and adaptability. Let's collaborate to bring your ideas to life – where innovation meets expertise, shaping the future of the digital realm together.

| Projects

Take a look at my personal projects


TotalGuard - Insurance Quoter


Secure Rest Api - Rest Api